You travel wiht RV delightful stop-overs and discover the best of our locations....

Spend peaceful nights in all security in all regions of Canada and USA.

Meet your hosts devoted to their professions.

Taste and enjoy cheeses, wines, ciders, fruits, and vegetables, fois-gras, honey, etc...

The idea si simple, the farmer producers, the wine growers, the artisans or the town coucils

invite you to park free of charge for 24 hours.

The RV Liberte representative gives you a genuine welcome, with parking sites flat and stable,

friendly advice and ideas for visiting the region.

The only conditions necessary to benefit from this unique parking network are :

   -You must travel R.V and travel in the Autumn.

   -Be in possession of a vignette and a current guide R.V Liberte.

   - Respect the golden rules of RV Liberte, present youselves on arrival, leave the clean and arrange

      for your departure. 



Enjoy wonderful journeys

through-out Canada and USA....

Also visit village

on bicycles through-out

Canada and USA...